15 Business Lessons From the Tortoise
Countless times you’ve heard life itself is a lesson and, perhaps a lesson, many of which can be learned from old time stories we have been told. We all at one point or another in our lives have faced challenges that seem to set us back, but knowing what really lies ahead of us, the kind of future we anticipate, and knowing that challenges can be overcome are all of those things which can raise our hope. I have compiled in this article, “Twenty-five great tips from the popular Tortoise’s Story” that will help every individual and business owners come to the realization of their potentials.
Before I share these tips, you might want to familiarize yourself with the Tortoise story first, here it is:
There was a cocky rabbit who ridiculed a slow-moving turtle (tortoise). The turtle was fed up so he challenged him to a race. The rabbit was convinced he would win easily and soon left the turtle in the dust. Totally over-confident, he stopped along the way for a snooze. Much to his dismay, he woke up and saw the turtle, crawling slowly but never stopping, crossing the finish line ahead of him.
Turtles are naturally slow creatures; they walk at a very slow pace, while rabbits on the other hand are fast, very much faster than turtles. However, in the story above, we realize that the turtle won the rabbit in the race. What are the tips?
1. Focus: the turtle was much focused. He knew he was naturally a slow creature, but he kept his focus throughout the race, not on the rabbit (even when he knew the rabbit was fast asleep), but on the finish line which would determine who lost or who won. He was focused and kept his eyes on the trophy. Like the turtle, every individual or business owner should be focused. Do not get distracted. In business, distractions will come, but don’t get distracted. Stay focused instead.
2. Wisdom: Tortoise is generally regarded as being cunning. Every business owner must be cunning and wise. For any business to survive, the business owner must be wise, knowing when to sell on credit and when not to, knowing when to stock and when to restock. Wisdom is profitable.
3. Leaving Your Comfort Zone: now this is primarily about turtles. If you took a close look at turtles, you would realize they got shells which house them, however, when a turtle is going out, it has to stick its head long out of the shell so as to be able to see the direction it is going. As business owners, there are some things you will not see when you are in your comfort zone. Take for instance, a turtle whose head is in the shell wouldn’t know if there was a pit ahead of him or not because he is too comfortable in his comfort zone. Stepping out of your comfort zone helps you to see things afar and amend past and present mistakes.
4. Consistency: this is another key point from the Tortoise. He won the rabbit because he was consistent. Initially, the rabbit was leading but he slowed down because of the Tortoise’ pace and rested, but the turtle never considered his own pace as a disadvantage, instead, he saw it as an added advantage. He continued the race at his own convenient pace and received the trophy in the end.
5: Do not get Discouraged: It is a certain fact that a lot of people then discouraged the turtle, he might have heard words like “you can’t do it”, “you are no match for him”, but he never let those words discourage him, he forged ahead. In the end, those who discouraged and scorned him, came back to celebrate him, likewise we as individuals and business owners. Know that not everyone understands your dream and vision, but you do, therefore when people tell you “you can’t”; tell yourself “I can”.
6: Take Action: the turtle didn’t just win the rabbit by words of mouth, no, he took action instead. He ran. Saying “I can” is not just enough, what is required is action, act today. Don’t do tomorrow what you can do today, take action now. One step at a time
7: Do not get weary: the road to success is not always smooth and never easy, but persistence is what keeps you going. Sometimes in business you incur a lot of debt, it is not the end of the world, it just sets you for a higher ground, don’t get discouraged, and don’t stop investing. Did you think the tortoise never grew tired while running? he did, but he was persistent, so he kept the pace.
8: Risk: successful people are risk takers, like I would always say, there is no harm in trying, the only regret we can have is if we have not tried, for when we try, we might win, but when we don’t try, we will never win, so take risks.
9: Do not be overconfident: overconfidence kills, it kills a lot like virus. The rabbit would have won the race against the turtle if he hadn’t been so overconfident.
10: Put your best in all you do: put your best in everything you do and leave the rest, what matters is you doing it.
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11: Do not be scared of failure: there is no success without failure, if you are always scared of failing, you might never win.
12: Do not quit: on no account should you give up on your vision. Setbacks are bound to come, but know that winners never quit and quitters never win.
13: Endeavour to make progress: “Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses.” Robin Sharma.
14: Challenge yourself: taking up challenges will help you grow that business into a giant. Tell yourself there is no limit to what you can do. You are able.
15: Be determined: nothing can be achieved without you determining to achieve it. So, determine to do exploit in that business and you will see yourself in that light. Determination is making up your mind to do something; without determination, success and remarkable achievements look distant, far-fetched and almost impossible.
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