Read Also: 7 Common Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
8. Buy used items: people are no longer scared of buying used items again, since it now looks like a normal thing to do. You could save up a lot from buying used equipment than you ever would from the purchase of new equipment.
9. Employ Interns: this is a way of improving production and cutting cost. Instead of hiring and paying some more workers, you could decide to hire interns instead who would be willing to work with you just to add a few more to the experiences on their CVs and a letter of recommendation from you when the need arises.
10. Freelancing: what you need might not be a long term graphic designer or web developer. Employing the service of a freelancer might be your answer. However, finding a competent freelancer with cheap price might be difficult. Sites like Fiverr, upwork are places you can find freelancers.
15 Ways to Reduce Cost Running Your Business in Nigeria
11. Spend less on traveling; as much as it could be so much fun to travel, it could also be so much fun to save traveling costs. Be it conference, webinar, you could attend them all from your home even in your pajamas. Unless it is mandatory, you should opt for other options like zoom, Skype.
12. Save on electricity: electricity bill can be a ridiculously high in some places like Nigeria, so be strict on electricity use. Turn off lights when you are not using them, unplug equipment that are not currently in use, secure a space with sun light access, use florescent bulbs (they are more expensive but consume less power and are long lasting).
13. Shop local: instead of buying from big establishments whose prices are fixed, you could buy from the local guy who sells the same product just as the big establishments. This way, you could negotiate for good and friendlier prices (which you will never get a chance to do if it was at any of the big establishments or stores).
14. Ask for discounts: don’t be too shy to ask for discounts, if you are concerned about cutting costs, this is a chance for you, who knows, you might get the discount you requested for.
15. Advertise online: advertising online does not only help you reach a wider audience, it also helps you to cut cost on production. It is cheaper to advertise online.