20 Mistakes to Avoid in Order to Have a Successful Facebook Advertising
20 Mistakes to Avoid in Order to Have a Successful Facebook Advertising
Bringing your product to a larger audience is of utmost priority in business. This is why many businesses consider different channels of advertisement to reach their target. The most common being Facebook. However, many of them get disappointed at the outcome of their efforts.
How does it feel when you invest a sum into advertisement hoping to get a positive return but in the end you had little it no gain? Seems frustrating right? I have heard many people complain about running ads on Facebook, some even say the ad campaign is too expensive and even in the end they did not reach a large audience. A higher percentage of consumers say social media influences their decision. With around three billion active users, everyone wants to run ads on Facebook. Making Facebook ads mistake could ruin your purse which is why I have decided to write this piece to guide you through some twenty costly mistakes people make while advertising on Facebook.
- Persona definition: This is the twenty first century not the nineties. It is best you streamline your adverts to a particular set of people. What Facebook does while running an advert for you is giving you either automatic or manual options. Facebook uses data collection, location amongst other things to collate results, so when it runs and drives automatic adverts for you, be sure it might be streamlined to the people in your environs alone. On the other hand, if you choose a manual advert, you have the floor and it is left to you to choose how you want your adverts to appear. But no matter what you do, make sure you streamline your adverts and target it towards a particular set of people. That way, you are reaching even though a not so large audience, and simultaneously earning.
- Great Expectations: many people who place adverts on Facebook expect Facebook to work like other channels. The truth is, Facebook is different from other channels and has its own strategy for running adverts. Unlike other channels, Facebook works with targets. It targets a particular set of people who enjoys things related to your products. Facebook uses filters .
- Too much text: the Facebook ads” twenty percent rule” implies that only twenty percent of your ad creative may contain text, if otherwise, Facebook could restrict the distribution of your ad. There have recently been slight modifications to this rule, as against earlier when Facebook will reply with “yes” or “no” when you adhere to the rules or flaunt it. Now Facebook just supplies you with one of these four options “ok” “low” “medium” “high”. You could test your ad classification using text overlay tool.
- 4. Target audience: making your target audience too narrow or too broad might render your ad useless. No matter how badly you intend to reach people, always remember not everyone is your target audience. Making target mistakes could ruin the success of your campaign. Look at your potential reach on Facebook, this will help you know while running an advert whether your target is a broad or narrow one. Ads will perform better if your target audience is defined. It is important to get the right set of customers or audience at the right time. Doing it right will go a long way.
20 Mistakes to Avoid in Order to Have a Successful Facebook Advertising
5. Dull images: the saying that” don’t judge a book by its cover” might just not work here. Images are what makes your ad attractive since eighty percent of your creative is supposed to be images while just twenty should be text. Create an attractive close up image.
6. Borders: not testing borders might reduce your engagement. Creating borders simply means putting a thick border around your ads. And this can make them more striking.
7. Forgetting to refresh: users get tired having to see the same ad over and over again. Your campaign would pay off if you endeavored to refresh your ad. This saves you from ad fatigue which is a result of users getting tired of seeing your ad. In this case, you could refresh your ad by reediting the image, or by adding or removing a logo and so on.
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- Reckless spending: there is a lot of competition when it comes to Facebook ad, which is why I advise you choose a not too low budget, and don’t choose a not too high either, when your ad start paying off with time, you could increase your budget.
- Lack of strategic targeting: I mentioned something in relation to this earlier. It pays to be strategic while targeting your audience. For instance, you wouldn’t want to run an advert on beard oil towards young women.
- 10. Target existing customers: in a bid for you to reach a wider audience, you must not neglect your existing customers. Target existing customers by uploading a customer list on Facebook custom audience.
- Target new customers: set your target also towards new customers similar to existing customers by creating look alike audience. You could also target new interest customers by compiling a list of those who have interacted with your business page.
- Static creatives: images are powerful and explain a lot, but you might want to consider creating videos or gifs. Studies have shown that moving imagery captivates the mind more than static imagery..
- Offensive content: when you post offensive contents on Facebook, you should not be concerned about reaching the public, be concerned about its acceptance instead because Facebook will reject it. Facebook has policy regulations and don’t accept contents that violates it’s policy.
- Misleading content: while running an ad, do not run false or misleading content. Facebook will find out.
- Prohibited product: there are some products which Facebook do not advertise, like tobacco, weapons etc. If you must advertise, it’s best you explore other platforms.
- Low quality: Facebook aims to give users the best online experience, so if your ad takes user to pages with broken links or incorrect grammar, Facebook will disapprove it .
20 Mistakes to Avoid in Order to Have a Successful Facebook Advertising
17. Creatives that mention: Facebook does not grant permission to be mentioned in an ad. This is due to the fact that it does not want companies to claim partnership with it amongst many other reasons.
18. Profanity: profaned language is prohibited on Facebook ad. So also are excessive characters and symbols. Write correct English with good grammar.
19. Copyright infringement: do not make creatives that infringe the right of a third party. Get inspired instead to create yours.
20. Disruptive videos: do not make videos that disrupt user experience while online. It won’t be approved by Facebook.
Before pouring money into ads, be sure you don’t make the above mistakes, and if you want to get faster result in a short time without learning on your own through trial and error, hire a Facebook ads expert who has been getting consistent results with Facebook Ads to save time and cost. A really experienced Facebook Ads person or agency can run Ads that gets your customers trooping in within hours! Sounds great right? You can get started right away by reaching out to us, and we will be too glad to help your business get results with Facebook Advertising.
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