2020 Business Plan Training via Zoom and How to Become an Affiliate Marketer
Appreciation + Biz Plan Training Affiliate + Other Info.

Hello My Dear Millionaire Friend,
I use this medium to appreciate all your calls, messages and prayers for me on my birthday. May God bless you abundantly.
There are two things that characterize this season of Covid-19.
- Making money online
- Learning new skills that can guarantee No1.
My upcoming training on Business Plan Writing and Making money with it is to help people to learning new skills and make money online.
The details to register are on the flier and also below.
Another easiest way to make money online this period is to sell other peoples digital products and services.
If you will like to become an affiliate and sell our upcoming business plan training,
Click on the link below and join our Whatsapp group.
The Biz plan training is N10,000 affiliate earns N3000 per each registration they bring.
These affiliates will also have opportunity to sell other products that we have and also our client’s products.
If you have interest to be part of this business plan training, please register on time before the early registration deadline.
Here are the details of the 2 Days Business Plan Online Training via zoom.
How to Write Business Plan and Make Money from it
Day 1
11am-1 pm -A-Z of writing a compelling and bankable business plan
2pm-4 pm -Basics of Financial Planning and Analysis
Day 2
11am-1 pm -How to make money from your Business Plan Writing Skill
2pm-4 pm – How to apply for grants, loans and connect to investors with your business plan.
– Top 5 Writers will be offered the opportunity to work with us as Independent Business Plan Writer, that means we will be sending you jobs almost on a weekly basis.
– Access to some of business plan templates/samples
– Mentoring Via a Whatsapp platform
Venue: Zoom
Date: Friday, 22nd of May & Saturday 23rd of May, 2020.
Early registration is N10,000
Late registration is N25,000.
Normal charges after this Covid-19 Promo edition N150,000
Deadline for early registration Monday 18th May 2020
How to make payment and register?
To Make Payment, follow this Procedure
You can pay though USSD Code, Online Transfer, Mobile Transfer or with your card through Paystack.
Bank: United Bank for Africa (UBA)
Account Name: Dayo Adetiloye Business Hub
Account Number: 1019877638
Account Type: Current.
After Payment,
Send the following Information:
Your name, phone no, email address, Location, Sex, amount, your whatsapp no, send via text message or whatsapp to 08060779290 or reply this email.
You will be added to a whatsapp group in less than 24hrs where we will have mentoring before the Training via zoom and after the Training.
e.g Yetunde Adams, 08022345890, Yetundeadams@gmail.com, Lagos, Female, N10,000, 08022345890. Send it to 08060779290
If you have challenge with anything or enquiries on this offer, Call or whatsapp me on 08060779290.
I don’t do this kind of training all the time; I just need people that want to re-skill, this period. People that need to learn a new money making skill.
I have been in this Business plan writing business for the past 8 years and I will be bringing you all my years of experience to play.
Money Back Guarantee if you don’t get value back from the Training.
We will refund your N10,000.
Note that we charge N150,000 for this training on a good day.
We decided to bring you this training at a promo price.
Watch out for my next email on the Free Online Summit of Head Start Africa. It will surely impact your life. The Programe is a free online summit. I saw the opportunity on a facebook group I belong to. It is the largest facebook group for young Professionals in Nigeria.
Till I hear from you,
Keep safe,
Keep succeeding!
In 2020
Dare to do something different if you want different results.
Try New Things.
I will like to hear from you!
Till I hear from you
Keep succeeding!
For: Dayo Adetiloye Business Hub
Dayo Adetiloye (B.Agric, MBA)-
Helping men to discover, develop and fulfil their business potential.
…Raising 100 Young Millionaire Entrepreneurs in Five Years… since July 2012
08105636015, 08076359735