21 Steps To Do Your Registration in Happy World Meal Gate And Get To The Top Fast in Nigeria
21 Steps To Do Your Registration in Happy World Meal Gate And Get To The Top Fast in Nigeria
- Firstly, get who is going to SPONSOR and PARENT you to enable you to become members of happy world, because you must be under someone that’s already a registered member with us.
- Get your valid registration pin, your membership ID and your welcome packages for the sum of #6,400 in any of happy world official branch.
- Type happyworldmealgate.org on your browser to enable you to view our home page and also get urgent information from happy world.
- click on JOIN-NOW for your new registration on our home page.
- Enter your SPONSOR ID: This is the person you want to give your referral bonus of $6.4=1280, for e.g. Of sponsor ID; HW00012345, HW00123456, HW01234567. When you enter the SPONSOR ID, wait for a minute for the name of the sponsor that will receive the referral bonus to displace. SPONSOR is also known as REFERRAL ID, it’s when you refer six people that’s when you will enter stage 1.
- Enter your PARENT ID: This is the person you want your new registration to be under, that means those people you are registering through PARENT ID, comes under you as your DOWNLINES. Indirectly all your generations DOWNLINES link through PARENT ID, for e.g. Of parent ID; HW00012345, HW00123456, HW01234567. When you enter the PARENT ID, wait for a minute for the name of parent that the new registration will be under to displace.
21 Steps To Do Your Registration in Happy World Meal Gate And Get To The Top Fast in Nigeria
- Choose your POSITIONS: This means your placement of your left and right, when you choose LEFT, it means that the new registration will drop under the left side of the PARENT ID and when you choose right, it means that the new registration will drop under the right side of the PARENT ID.
- Enter your valid MEMBERSHIP ID: This is a valid membership ID use for the new members that has not be registered as a member of happy world, meanwhile it’s the membership ID you bought for the sum of #6,400. for e.g. Of a valid membership ID; HW00012345, HW00123456, HW01234567.
- Enter your valid REGISTRATION PIN: This is a valid registration pin comes with the valid membership ID use for registering a new person to become a member of happy world, for e.g. Of a valid registration pin; I1O0QZHL2J.
- Enter your PERSONAL INFORMATION: The personal information is for the new person you want to register with happy world; for e.g. The First Name, Middle Name and Last Name most be type without creating a space on it when you are entering the names, because after you submitted, it will bounce back by showing you ERROR message, “Your names are either number or letters, your first, middle and last name’’ And also fill other personal information before submitting.
- Enter your USERNAME AND PASSWORD: When entering your username wait for the network to show that your username is AVAILABLE, Username is NOT A CASE SENSITIVE, meaning you can use capital letter or small letter to login. USERNAME AND PASSWORD is what you will use to login into your happy world account. But PASSWORD AND TRANSACTION PASSWORD is A CASE SENSITIVE, always check your CAPS LOCK on your laptop or your mobile phone keyboard whenever you are entering your password to enable you to know if it’s a capital letter or small letter you are using.
- Enter your TRANSACTION PASSWORD: This is the password use to access your e-wallet account details, It’s either letter or number.
- Enter your ACCOUNT INFORMATION: The account number only for the bank you are operating.
- Click SUBMIT: This automatically take you to ACCEPT TERM AND CONDITION of Happy World Meal Gate
- Click on the small box to MARK, ACCEPT AND CONTINUE, automatically take you to your new registration DASHBOARD
- Click on CALCULATE DOWNLINES AND CALCULATE BONUS to enable the new account to reflect on the stage Matrix and Team members tree of the SPONSOR AND PARENT ID.
- Go to your back office to click on GENELOGY and click on TEAM MEMBERS TREES to view the new registration that you have registered. That means the new registration is under the PARENT ID links.
- NEXT STEP ON HOW TO REGISTER YOUR SIX DOWNLINES =The six (6) people you are going to refer we be register just like the way you have registered the Main Account, The different now is that you are going to use the person that introduce six (6) people as Sponsor and Parent, Meanwhile the first two people are going to be register using the Main Membership ID as a SPONSOR ID AND PARENT ID, =Position the FIRST person on the LEFT SIDE and SECOND person on the RIGHT SIDE, that means they are directly under the MAIN ACCOUNT.
- For the THIRD and FOURTH registration, Main Account MEMBERSHIP ID still SPONSOR the third and fourth person but use the FIRST person on the LEFT-SIDE MEMBERSHIP ID to be a PARENT ID for the third registration under the LEFT-SIDE of the PARENT ID and still the FIRST person on the LEFT-SIDE MEMBERSHIP ID to be a PARENT ID for the fourth registration under the RIGHT-SIDE of the PARENT ID, The THIRD and FOURTH registration are directly under the PARENT ID of the FIRST person on the LEFT-SIDE but indirectly under the MAIN ACCOUNT.
- For the FIFTH and SIXTH registration, Main Account MEMBERSHIP ID still SPONSOR the fifth and sixth person but use the SECOND person on the RIGHT-SIDE MEMBERSHIP ID to be a PARENT ID for the fifth registration under the LEFT-SIDE of the PARENT ID and still the SECOND person on the RIGHT-SIDE MEMBERSHIP ID to be a PARENT ID for the sixth registration under the RIGHT-SIDE of the PARENT ID, The FIFTH and SIXTH registration are directly under the PARENT ID of the SECOND person on the RIGHT-SIDE but indirectly under the MAIN ACCOUNT.
21 Steps To Do Your Registration in Happy World Meal Gate And Get To The Top Fast in Nigeria
- LOGIN TO THE MAIN ACCOUNT FOR UPDATE =ENTER YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD =CLICK ON CALCULATE DOWNLINES FOR THE NUMBERS OF REGISTRATIONS =CLICK ON CALCULATE BONUS FOR YOUR COMPLETE BONUS AND UPGRADE TO THE NEXT LEVELS HOW TO REGISTER ADD ACCOUNT ON THE MAIN ACCOUNT FOR A MULTIPLE ACCOUNT FOR THREE AND SIX ACCOUNT =ADD ACCOUNT: This implies you want to register MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS using MAIN ACCOUNT NAME, That means you want to ADD it to an EXITING ACCOUNT NB: The REFERRAL BONUS goes to your MAIN ACCOUNT The NEW ACCOUNT becomes a member of the SUB-ACCOUNT =Immediately you registered an account that you want to do MULTIPLE ACCOUNT for, On the DASHBOARD go to your back office =Click on ADD ACCOUNT, it will take you to create a SUB ACCOUNT =Enter your POSITION OF LEFT OR RIGHT: It means that the new registration will be place under the EXISTING ACCOUNT either LEFT OR RIGHT, To be ADDED as a SUB ACCOUNT. =Enter your valid REGISTRATION PIN. =Enter your valid MEMBERSHIP ID. NB: For THREE (3) ACCOUNT: ONE on the LEFT and ONE on the RIGHT and you will introduce FOUR people through JOIN-NOW, Using MAIN ACCOUNT MEMBERSHIP ID as a SPONSOR and PARENT. For SEVEN (7) ACCOUNT: THREE (3) on your LEFT and THREE on your RIGHT to complete your MAIN ACCOUNT added account. =Click on your DASHBOARD to update your ADDED ACCOUNT, Simply click on CACULATE DOWNLINES and BONUS to move to the next STAGE. SUB ACCOUNT has NO login details of username and password, Login to the MAIN ACCOUNT. Click on your SUB ACCOUNT through your back office and click VIEW DOWNLINES of your SUB ACCOUNT to view your DASHBOARD and STAGE MATRIX. NB: When registering under SUB ACCOUNT, Kindly COPY the SUB ACCOUNT MEMBERSHIP ID through JOIN-NOW to register SIX(6) people under the SUB ACCOUNT.
To Join my Team,
You can contact any of the following Team Coordinator in your location
When you join my team, we will also make you a team coordinator in your area. That means we will do marketing for you and people will be calling you to join you in your location.
Follow this link to join my Happy World Meal Gate WhatsApp group for professional training on Happy World Meal Gate: https://chat.whatsapp.com/7pjGZfsjGaQFqr2PyKte9S
Mr Paul 08060714372 (HWMG General Consultant)
How to Register?
To join my team in happy world meal gate
Fill the following
Please Supply The Following Details:
We encourage you to do Minimum of 7 account or 14 or 21
We encourage you to do Minimum of 7 account or 14 or 21.
Each account is N8,800 + N100 registration for each account.
1 Account = N8,800 you get 1 tin Tomatoes and 1 milk refill
7 account = N61,600 : You get 7 Tin Tomatoes and 7 milk refill, half bag of rice and 3litters of vegetable oil (kings)
14 Account =N123,200: You get 14 Tin Tomatoes and 14 milk refill, (2) half bag of rice and (2)3litters of vegetable oil (kings)
21 Account =N184,800 :You get 21 Tin Tomatoes and 21 milk refill, (3)half bag of rice and (3)3litters of vegetable oil (kings)
After registration, we give you your login details at Www.happyworldmealgate.org and get the food across to you.
Happy World Meal Gate
Operation Say No To Hunger;
You Can Register 1 Or Multiple Accounts:
1 Account #8,800
2 Account #17,600
3 Accounts #26,400
4 Accounts #35,200
5 Accounts #44,000
6 Accounts #52,800
7 Accounts #61,600
14 Accounts #123,200
As you sow, so shall you reap
call or Whatsapp me on 08060714372 to join today
After registration, we give you your login details at
Www.happyworldmealgate.org and get the food across to you.
As you sow, so shall you reap