5 Ways to Structure Your Driving School For Success
To manage or own a driving school, it takes a lot of things to be considered. Most people look forward into profit making aspect of it alone. You need to streamline every steps and plan each well. Never run the business alone but need partners (co-drivers, secretary, and instructors’ etc.) for effectiveness. Driving school usually have small or low profit for starters and high operating costs, schools simply fail, no matter how good they are except following the rules that guides the operations.
If you follow my advice, steps and ideas, your own driving school will soon be on the path to success. It’s not a rocket science or a magic. In fact, it’s the opposite and very simple. I believe owning a driving school comes with its own unique set of challenges. I have made a nice profit and still making profit and you can too. You will thank me later! So, today is your lucky day as you’re following the guideline to successfully run a driving school that makes profits.
1.Setting Sales Goals
Your driving school will always be busier in some (months) than others. The key to increasing sales is to “flow with the trend and stir well.” If you know that people are in the market for your services more, you will need to improve your strategy for better students or clients.
What total sales level (goals) are you planning to achieve reach next year with your own driving school? Based on this sales goal setting ladder, it’s critically important to determine a needed profit level to have your BEST month or year ever.
Yes, a single location CAN make 50,000,000 or more. Don’t worry if you’re only at $500k (or less) per year though. Rome wasn’t built in a day and great driving schools aren’t either. Try following my advice and learning from my experience, the journey to higher sales, lower expenses and a healthier account balance sheet.
The research shows most successful business owners usually follow up their sales every single day. How to increased sales in your driving school.
You need to look up your performance stats after each training to monitor the growth and individual abilities. So, do you tracking your sales month? weekly? Daily?
There are various tools available to help you keep tab on how well your driving school is doing. Without a daily scoreboard or spreadsheet, how does your team know if they had a great day or a terrible one?
If your driving school isn’t utilizing available software or monitor skills to track sales daily, you’re missing an easy opportunity to track your team’s performance. Without this simple step, you have amoury without arsenal.
Information is POWER. You need INFORMATION to plan your daily activities. “You are not INFORMED, you won’t be REFORM and CONFORM but be DEFORM and MISFORM which will be the blockade to TRANSFORMATION in your business.
3.Accurate and Timely Record
Honesty is very good in business. Never be in rush to close out each month’s books? My driving schools always have their month’s books appropriately closed.
For example, the March books should be close between April 15th – 20th. I strongly recommend outsourcing your books to a record-keeper so you can focus our time on driving school’s profits. If your books are inaccurate or not up-to-date, then you’ll never be able to reach your true profit potential.
If to employ a record keeper is too expensive, there are more affordable tools available to help make record-keeping not so tiresome and cumbersome.
Please, try and use the right tools to get the job done. Do not waste unnecessary money. Not to mention your valuable and limited time!
4.Wages and salaries costing
Driving school industry always in cure the big expense. That’s why it’s important to set wages, salaries and expenses budgets and monitor them regularly.
Some driving schools do hit a 25% profit margin with 50% of their revenue allocated to wages and salaries. Yes, it can be done; we do recommend people to cut down expenses to 40%.
You can spend hours cutting costs by reducing things such as office supplies, but it will only make a marginal difference to your driving school’s overall profit.
Cutting expenses costs is the game-changer. When you cut your expenses, your driving school’s profit margin will increase quite dramatically.
This is why to retain good employees are very important. It costs money to train a new one. If you can keep your best employees happy, you’ll increase their retention rate and decrease your onboarding and training expenses.
5.Scheduling Software
How you schedule your driving school lessons? If you’re not using scheduling software specifically designed for driving schools, you’re leaving walking over money without getting.
Scheduling with calendar books or manually is getting obsolete, but the competition will pass you by (if they already haven’t) if you stay on this path. Get modernized. The right scheduling software will save you time AND money.
We can help you get scheduling App for a cheap cost. Call: 08036030232, 08053396336 email us @ mrpoundsms@gmail.com
The App will work seamlessly on any device. Computer system, android or IOS devices Before we started using scheduling software, at least 50% of our incoming phone calls were related to scheduling issues. This meant that our office personnel spend the majority of their time putting out fires and rescheduling drives or classes. I thought, we need to change our strategies.
Take a breath. I know this seems like a lot of work, but it’s not. Start with just one of the items above and then work over it until its part of you.
Make it a top priority to implement the above tips.
For more information and consultation:
Call: 08036030232
WhatsApp: 08053396336
Email: mrpoundsms@gmail.com
Thank you for your patronage.
5 Ways to Structure Your Driving School For Success
Samuel Oluwasegun is the Chief Executive Officer of Transportation Master. A subsidiary of www.mrpounds.com . His first automobile was a Toyota Camry, Toyota Sienna and Hyundai Elantra . It was during that time that he fell in love with automobiles and brace up to updates other owners and drivers.
This blog is intended to fuel the need of fresh, good information about cars, with test drives, reviews and many more from the automobile industry. To give updates on Federal Road Safety corps (FRSC) information.