Job hunting could be frustrating and discouraging especially when the wrong moves are made by the job applicants. Job search moves or job seeking is an act of seeking employment when unemployed or a better job is desired, wants a change of career. Sometimes the job applicant might be employed at the moment of seeking for another job. This is commonly due to discontentment, desire for a better job or pay. Therefore, to ease the stress and cut short the frustrating journey of long job search without positive outcome, there are some job search moves or techniques that you as a job applicant can’t do without. These job search moves will ease your journey of searching for jobs with remarkable results.
The immediate aim of a job seeker is usually to fix an appointment for an interview with the potential employer and then possibly get hired. This goal fulfilment can be skyrocketed if only you as a job applicant makes the right job search moves. It is therefore, inevitable and highly recommended for use, if you really desire a positive respond from that employer you plan sending your curriculum vitae (CV) and/or cover letter to. To secure a positive reply, then, these 7 Best Job Search Moves of all Times in Nigeria must be wrapped up in your bosom.
It is often said that if you want to see farther you should stand on the shoulder of those that have gone ahead and if you want to avoid falling into potholes of disappointments, then seek advice from those from have jumped over the pot holes before. You take lessons from what they did to overcome the pot holes during their own time. I want you to know that the points that I will share with you in this article have been time-tested and tried. Don’t just read them and assume you are conversant with them. Put them into practice and adopt these job search moves. Then, will you come forth with testimonies. These 7 Best Job Search Moves of all times are actually the best you can find at all times. You’ll come to thank me for it!
- First, I will start with “using newspaper” Even though there is a very wide range of media in which to place an advert for job vacancies, newspapers are still one of the most considerable sources of job vacancies. However, the situation on newspaper varies from company to company. Some companies advertise all their vacant positions on newspaper while some never advertise vacancies using newspaper. In a society where we have changed the direction of our boat to glide on the speed of the internet, many job seekers automatically turn to career search website and also job online search engines. As a job seeker you need to realize that these are not the only option available for job advert. An interesting thing to know is that you must examine the employment section of local newspapers. What you must know is that, though, many companies have started using the internet to their advantage, cut cost and so on. But not all have started! This means that there are great employment opportunities available in the local newspapers. Sometimes, most companies behind this job advert, especially federal government firms do deliberately place advert on local newspapers for their benefits. As a job applicant depending on local newspapers for vacancies is a good job search move as you are open to jobs from various firms, information on how to apply, requirements and so on.
2. Using the internet. The world has become a global village with the birth of the internet. Job search has also become simplified with the availability of the internet. How big is the internet? The internet is one of the latest development in the job hunting market. It is potentially one of the biggest developments in job hunting since its inception. Convenience is an advantage of job search move via the internet. From the comfort of your home, you can access hundreds and thousands of job vacancies. You can search for jobs in your geographical area or explore jobs opportunities in any of the cities close to your geographical coordinate. The good news is that if you embark upon a long distance job search, employers can conduct video interviews. This makes it easy to do an interview for jobs outside your geographical location. Job search move via the internet saves your money. The job search eliminates the cost of printing curriculum vitae (CV) and/or cover letter and also money that could have been paid for postage to mail application packages to potential employers. So, it is best to use the internet in addition to other methods of job search rather than exclusion of other methods of job search.
3. Networking. The aim of networking is to publicise your availability on the job market. Your network determines your net worth! The network you find yourself in has a direct impact on how fast your job search will yield positive result. Networking is a method by which you can find a job by building up a network of personal contact. In simple terms, it is a method you can use to find the kind of job you desire by leveraging on the relationships you have created or by being at the right place at the right time.
Networking is a strategy which aim at revealing opportunities and more possibilities. It is connecting with people. They might be those you know in the past or new set of individuals you have just meet. Humans are wired in such a way that it cannot do without networking to accomplish a task. This can be leverage on in job search. The following are the steps you can use to turn your network into an irresistible job search move.
Firstly, you must know that people do business primarily with people they have known and like. The job you want may not be advertised at all. Networking leads to information and job opportunity follows, often before a formal job description is announced to the public people close to the source would have long be aware.
You already have a good network than you think. Job applicants always have the misconception that they don’t know anyone who can help out with job search. But, you know more people than you think! There is also a good probability that at least a few of these people know someone who can put a stop to your job search. Start by making a list of the people in your network. It will surprise you that your network is bigger than you think it is! It includes all of your friends, family members, neighbours, co-workers from your previous or present job, colleagues from school, church members, friends from social media and so on. You now see that the list is endless. You already belong to a network!
Then you reach out to your network. Silence they say is a disease that kills. All the network or connection you are in won’t help you find a job if no one knows about your present situation. Once you are done making up your list, start making contact immediately. Let them know you are job hunting! Be specific about the kind of job you want. Ask if they presently have any information or know anyone in the relevant field. Don’t assume that certain persons don’t know one or two people that can be of help. And finally focus on building relationship.
Networking is a give and take process that involves making connection that will aid you in achieving your goals, sharing information that are relevant and asking leading questions. It is a way of relating with others! Not an avenue to get what you want and then disappear. Be authentic in any job search, be yourself. Hiding who you are or what your full interest and goals are could hurt you in the long run. In summary; contact each one of your referees on your network. Describe your goals and seek their assistance. Keep them informed on your job search progress. Be prepared for interviews from potential employers and also relate to your referees the feedback of what happened and thank them for their assistance regardless of the interview’s outcome each time they link you up with an opportunity.
- Using website. There are two ways to make use of websites. First, if you know of a company which you would like to work for, then check out their website for information and vacancies. Secondly, you can search for potential employers using a search tool or browser. Know also that companies publish websites! It is usually placed in electronic catalogues or stored in a database and always readily accessible via the internet. This is also linked together in a network known as World Wide Web (www). Therefore, you can leverage on this available information. Look out for company’s website and pay regular visit to their webpages.
- Employment Agencies. To obtain a job successfully through an employment agency, it is very important to understand exactly what an employment agency does. You should be aware that most employment agencies if not all work on behalf of the employers and are paid a considerable fee. Often an agreed percentage from the employee’s salary. Below are some of the criteria they look out for when recruiting;
To ensure they find the right person for the job.
To do as cheaply and efficiently as possible
To keep the employers as their client for as long as possible.
So considering employment agencies as an option for job search, you must be ready to offer to them what they are looking for, they are highly recommended as they are good means of job search.
- Job search apps. The world has evolved beyond carry files from one office to another and lots of agencies mostly private ones have also make job hunting easier by developing applications that alert a job applicant whenever there is a job vacancy, the organization’s who are presently recruiting and the criteria required for the job. Before, you can have access to these messages, you must have the app installed on your phone (Android and/or iPhones). This has got job search much easier as you receive messages of job vacancies in your very hand. Seizing this opportunity will do a whole good to you as a job applicant. This job search move is highly recommended too. Search Google Play Store, you will some of the relevant ones.
- Targeted employers with unadvertised vacancies. To adopt this method of job search, it is important you do your own research. No one can give you a list of unadvertised vacancies. Use networking! Keep your ears close to the ground. You can write to any employer asking about the possibility of a job which is what this method is all about. You will be much more successful if you target suitable employers. These types of employers are those most likely to have unadvertised vacancies;
Small employers: they often do not have the luxury of time for recruitment exercises
Companies who have just been awarded new contract. They are very likely to need new personnel.
The joy about these 7 best job search moves of all times in Nigeria is that you as the job applicant can adopt as many methods as you want. These methods are highly effective and are no respecter of time and season. They are always yielding results. If and when you adopt them, they will definitely yield positive results. Be prepared for the rain, prepare your ground by working on yourself for interviews. Be prepared any time any day. Doubt none of these method of job hunting as it is prepared to put an end to your long job search.
Good luck on your job search as you employ these 7 best job search moves of all times in Nigeria.
Written by Consultants at Freshgraduatecv.com