7 Ways To Network Marketing Success in Any Network Marketing Company in Nigeria.
The greatest thing am most grateful for today is the turning points in my life when I learned about the law of cause and effect.
This law states that for every effect, such as the highest company recruiter, there is a specific cause or causes. Success is predictable.
It has been said times without number that if you do what other successful people have done or are doing, your success is inevitable in any endeavour.
7 Ways To Network Marketing Success in Any Network Marketing Company in Nigeria.
In this post, I want to show you 7 ways to get network marketing success in any network marketing company in Nigeria, the more of these you practice, the more successful you will become. And, if you have not been practicing them, calm down, you can learn them. Once you learn these ideas, you can practice them time and again.
So what are they? You asked!
It’s a mantra that, ‘Do what you love and the money will follow.’ Every successful, highest recruiter including highly paid people in network marketing love what they do.
It is essential if you want to go far to be involved only with the company you love and the one you are proud of.
You must learn to love the product or opportunity your company provides and then commit yourself to becoming excellent in network marketing.
You must be ready to pay any price, go the extra mile, commit yourself to mastery and excellence.
If you take the time and make the effort, if you really put your whole heart into what you are doing and learn to love it, you will soon move into the highest earning rank leader in your company.
Nature has built something great within you. You can be the best in your company. We all have the ability and tendency to be good at something. Everyone has the ability to excel. I believe you can and you will.
So many people are missing out what dream is today. If you are yet to define yours, don’t waste your time in network marketing. Without it, you can’t go far.
Network marketing is for those that have dreams to fulfill not for those that need money for food, clothes or fashion.
With network marketing, you can make your income big enough as you want to fulfill the reality of your dreams. Your dreams has to be the most important thing in life to you.
So remember this, before you start your journey to financial freedom, you must find the basic building blocks which is your dreams. You must find the thing to pay the price for.
Without the dream, don’t start your network marketing journey because without it, you will fail.
Your dream can be in your head, your heart or your mind. It doesn’t matter where it is, what I want you to do now is to get a paper, write down all the things you want in life and what you want to do with what you get when you have attained financial freedom lifestyle.
Now, after that, put it on your wall where you can always see it. I have mine, it kept me going on, in spite of criticism, hate, envy and mockery.
The most precious asset you carry is your mind. Your mind is your precious asset, and the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.
You must commit yourself to lifelong learning if you truly desire success in your network marketing business opportunity. The greatest investment I ever made in my life is investing in my mind.
I heard about the story of a college student who sent out a fifty point questionnaire to all the presidents of the top 50 companies in America. Forty three of those presidents completed the questionnaire and sent it back.
The students later found out that what these business leaders considered to be the reasons for their success, repeated over and over again, was, “Never stop learning and growing your mind.” This applies to you as well.
Read, listen to audio programs, go to seminars, attend online seminars, webinars and attend your company conferences. Never stop learning.
One man said, “The incompetent person of tomorrow is the person who has stopped learning today. The illiterate person is the person who is no longer learning, growing, and increasing his value every single day.”
It’s very important, I don’t take it for granted and you must not and put every new discoveries and knowledge into action as it applies to do more than read but apply because self development doesn’t work but action.
7 Ways To Network Marketing Success in Any Network Marketing Company in Nigeria.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence and determination. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Geniuses will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are almost omnipotent.
Strive Masiyiwa, one of the richest men in Africa wrote, “If you start something, you must be persistence and determined to finish it. The richest in the world are sales people and the hallmark of a successful sales person is the ability to have the ability to have the door slammed on you here and you knock on the next door 2 minutes later….to move from defeat to defeat with no loss of enthusiasm, that is success! I learnt more and become more when I failed or was rejected than when I was successful, I prayed more, gleaned to the word more, introspected more in failure than in victory. Never say die! Never dare cry! But sharpen the game with each NO! Anyone can be encouraged when things are going well, when you are winning at every point, it is easy. But when you get knocked down on the canvas of life, that’s the time to encourage yourself. Get up and remind yourself, this is a new opportunity; my best days are ahead, this is going to be the best time of my life; my business and career are going to flourish. The more they turn you down, the more you seek to make yourself the best at what you do, develop yourself to see the NO’s as part of the process”
I see success as a destination, and the individual is the car. A car without fuel shall never take you to your destination.
The successful people are the biggest failures, they treat failure as their greatest friend, they learn from failure and use the lesson learnt as advancement to the next course of action.
Do what successful people do. Follow the leaders, not the followers. Do what the successful people in your company do. Follow the people who are achieving the kind of things that you want to achieve sometime in the future.
Just look around. Successful people are everywhere around you both offline and online. Ask yourself, who are the people that I admire the most? Who are the people that are crushing their goals that I like to be like? Decide to be like them. Identify the top leaders in your company. Associate with them as much as possible.
Go to them, ask them for advice. Ask them what books you should read and courses you should take. Ask them for ideas about getting success.
And you know what? These people will always be willing to help you as they believe in abundance and will always help other people to be successful. Do whatever they ask you to do. Read their books. Practice what you learn.
You are the average of the five people that you mingle with as birds of a feather flock together. If you tend to associate with the successful people in your company, you tend to adopt their attitudes, philosophies, dress code, and so on and in no distant time, you will start to get the results they are getting.
7 Ways To Network Marketing Success in Any Network Marketing Company in Nigeria.
I have always believe in abundance. There’s gold everywhere and there’s abundance everywhere and there’s enough of the pie to be served around. Success, remarkable success to me, is not a solo project – it needs to be shared. And success is not a competition. There’s enough of it to go around.
To succeed genuinely in your network marketing business endeavors, you have to work with a team that shares the same dream or objective with you. As a mantra, it takes team work to make the dream work. A team is part of your lever. As one of my mentors said, ‘synergy is better than energy.’
It’s all about synergy, people working together can get tremendous accomplishment far more than they can separately. Anyone that must achieve great success, anyone who succeeds must have what I have called, “a dream team” and so you must.
No matter how talented you may be, synergizing on your own is impossible and incredible power can be released when people work together as a team. It’s all about synergy, the concept of adding one plus one and getting eleven and not two. Even team has been tagged as, “TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MIRACLES”
Go and get your own miracles.
Finally and most importantly, work hard. Be willing to put in the required work. Do the little things others are not willing to do. Resolve to work all the time that you work. Put in your best ability and give it full commitment and back it up with consistency. In life generally, many people work hard, but they never work all out with full commitment to their work. As a result, they never reach the point of takeoff that puts them in the top percent in their field. Don’t be like them.
I have confidence in you that you can fulfill all your dreams and be the best you have always wished you were. You can become one of the most valuable people in your company and you can make a significant difference in the lives of others. You can do this. Go for gold. That’s what you deserved.
It’s our wish to see you becoming a Naija Marketing Pro because with network marketing, you can take full ownership of your life.
website : www.naijamarketingpro.com
Facebook page : Naija Marketing Pro https://www.facebook.com/naijaNMPro/
Bio : I am Ayodeji Oladeji Charles.
7 Ways To Network Marketing Success in Any Network Marketing Company in Nigeria.
I am the chairman of AOC GLOBAL MULTIVENTURES (fully registered with CAC). A group that is made up of financial advisors. We teach you how to make money, sustain money and multiply money through our time tested, and proven professional advice.
I write. I coach. I speak. I mentor people throughout the world who want to start their own businesses from the scratch.
A lifestyle entrepreneur but I also help network marketers build a team of hungry and driven leaders so they can earn gangster money and spend their days sipping mai tais on a desert island via www.naijamarketingpro.com. If you are a network marketer, visit that website today for your transformation.
Do you need any advice on money? Connect with me.
Visit www.naijamarketingpro.com today.