8 Major Reasons why People Don’t Make Money in Leverage Caller Club.

My Dear Millionaire Friend,
Welcome to the month of July, 2015. I thank God for His Grace that helped us to see today. As we wait to see what this new government will do as far as grant and other programmes to empower young entrepreneurs will be, I will like us to look at other opportunities to make money especially leverage Caller Club. This one, we can do it ourselves, we don’t have to wait for any government.

8 Major Reasons Why People Don’t Make Money in Leverage Caller Club.
Reason 1: They don’t take the leverage caller club business seriously.
- Many people think this business is short term.
- People think that to qualify in business you need large capital
- First you must take the business seriously, only then you will prosper.
Reason 2: They Doubt leverage caller club
- Doubt is a big killer
- Stay away from dream stealers
- Remember SW policy some will, some won’t, so what? Somebody else in waiting!
- No business or businesses have 100% success rate. Rejection is part of the business.
Reason 3: They don’t invest time to be trained to master the leverage caller club business
- Spend time to learn about the industry, the company and the plan. Click here and read this e-book on Leverage Caller Club http://dayoadetiloye.com/lcc.pdf
- The more you know: the more you can represent the business, and the more confident you will become.
- Train your leaders! But train yourself first

Reason 4: They think leverage caller club is a Get Rich Quick Scheme
- This is a rich sure business, not a get rich quick scheme.
- If you want to succeed in this business, you have to think like a You must first invest your N11,500
- Nurture people and make them leaders. But the whole process takes time.
Reason 5: They have no focus as far as leverage caller club is concern
- All successful people are focused
- The first rule of warfare is focusing on your strength.
Reason 6: They don’t know how to present the leverage caller club business
- All big earners in the industry know how to present.
- If you don’t know how to present the business properly and handle objections people won’t take you seriously.

Reason 7: They don’t look at the future of leverage caller club
- People fail as they only see today.
- Long term focus is essential. Visualize how Leverage Caller Club will look like in your bank account in the next 6 months, 1 year, 2 years and 5 years span of time
Reason 8: People who fail in leverage caller club have NO VISION
- All success start with vision, without vision, people perish.
- Vision gets people going, make them feel alive.
- From vision – comes goals. From goals comes direction.
- Don’t take it likely. Ask often, “Do I have a vision?” “What target am I going to hit?”
My personal target is to sign up 10% of Nigeria community on Leverage Caller Club. Nigeria is about 180 million people and 10% of it is 18 million.
The implication of this:
- These 18 million people in leverage caller club will be calling themselves for free and will just load 500 or 1000 naira monthly.
- 18 million multiply by N2000 is 36 billion. That is how much you are I will be playing with as bonuses and compensation in to our bank accounts.
- This may take us 2 to 3 years, but I ask people, if you do something for 10 years and you have 36 billion naira, is that a good business or a bad one. Think about it.

Call me on 08060779290 or 08174584556
Pay your N 11, 500 Investment into any of the following accounts
- Bank: GT BANK
Account Name: Adetiloye Adedayo Patrick
Account Number: 0037218392
Account Type: Savings
Account Name: Adetiloye Adedayo Patrick
Account Number: 0033807847
Account Type: Savings
Account Number: 0041562713
Account Type: Current
Account Name: Adetiloye Adedayo Patrick
Account Number: 3087803393
Account Type: Savings
Send the following information to my email: dayoadetiloye@gmail.com to help your fill your form:
First name:
Other name:
Date of Birth:
Mailing/Home Add:
Telephone contact:
Account Name:
Bank Account Number:
Next of kin (Name in full):
- To pick your package, you have 3 options;
- Send a P.O box address.
- If you are in Lagos, pick your package up at the head office at No 10, Lanre Awolokun Street, Gbagada phase 2, Lagos. I encourage people in Lagos to visit the place. Ensure you call Akinremi (A representative at the head office) on 08095266999 before you come to pick it up.
- You can also use your home address, but you will not wait for post office to come to your house, you have to go to post office to pick it up.
- For you to raise your 1st five people, forward this E-book link http://dayoadetiloye.com/lcc.pdf to the 1st 20 people you want to introduce and get them to read it and let them get back to you if they have interest.
Let me stop here today, we continue later!

I don’t know anything about leverage caller club, Click here and read http://dayoadetiloye.com/lcc.pdf
Friend, thank you for your time. Hope you will Join Leverage Caller Club this week. Click here http://dayoadetiloye.com/lcc.pdf to download this e-book and read and get back to me.
Reply my mail or call me on 08060779290, or send me a Whatsapp chat on the same number. My BB PIN is 7EFFE8D6
Till I hear from you Friend.
Keep succeeding!
Dayo Adetiloye (B.Agric, MBA)-
Helping men to discover, develop and fulfil their business potential.
…Raising 100 Young Millionaire Entrepreneurs in Five Years… since July 2012
08060779290, 08174584556