All The Educators Must Be Trained To Do Proper First Aid
Teachers First Aid Kit
Nowadays, when the problem of kids getting injured at schools is definitely not going down well, it is the time to think about one thing that might be able to change the situation with kids suffering from some problems due to the fact that they were not helped as soon as they got injured. Yes, that is the problem of the first aid and how it is given if it was given at all. Quite often people underestimate the size of this problem, yet it is getting bigger every day due to the rise of the technologies, and the fact that there are more and more things at schools that injure children. With this happening, it is the time to start working with those who are responsible for kids, and, of course, those that are their educators or teachers.
The problem has grown to such an extent that even the most general statistics will shock. Barely a half of teachers at schools and universities have any idea on how to give the first aid to their students. Yet even that half that knows how to do it has never done it in practice, meaning that they have literally zero actual skill in doing such a difficult task as saving a person’s life. The scariest part about this is the fact that teachers are actually given the training events and lectures on how to do the first aid help, but most of them still cannot do it correctly.
If you go ahead and read online about the problem, you might be surprised to find some people actually opposing the idea of teaching the mentors on how to give the first aid in case something happens. They consider that the teachers already have so much stuff to do, that it would be better to actually teach kids to do that themselves. However, they also add one great thought that should be combined with the statement that the teacher should be taught the first aid help skills. That statement is the thought that it would be great to give kids the rules on what to do in certain situations. Surely, that will not save all of them from getting injured, yet the statistics says that such a list of rules really helps to avoid a huge number of situations. Therefore, we can say that combining these two topics would be a perfect idea in order to achieve a great result of having the number of those injured smaller, and at the same time making the percentage of those teachers who have the skills of giving the first aid higher. And with such situation every side would be happy, as their ideas have been applied, and at the same time kids are finally going to get the needed help from educators.
However, a study held in 2011 showed crazy statistics. It surveyed students on the topic of the first aid. And it was shocking that students said that they care about the first aid help way more than about something like their economy classes, which they can easily close with the perfect grades, using something like the business plan writing services that help you to spend less time on the things you hate doing, and to focus on the things that really matter to you. And the survey has given out the shocking numbers, over 95% of kids said that they are interested in learning the skills of helping the others in case they get injured. Such a situation only proves the thought that kids need to be taught how to help other students in case they need an immediate first aid help.
Coming back to the topic of educators, it would be important to start talking about such thing as motivation. Usually, teachers have literally zero motivation to start learning a skill which they only ‘might’ use sometime in a few years, or even never. The reason for that is the fact that they have never met a situation where they would need to save somebody’s life or have never seen somebody who was helped like that. The situation here reminds of the other problem in our society, which is the problem of the sign language. In 90% of the times people will not start learning the sign language until they have a situation where they meet somebody who can only speak the sign language. After such cases, people quite often start realizing that they really need to spread their knowledge onto the new areas.
To show the example of how schools need to start working on the problem of the first aid it would be great to look at some schools in the United States. A great amount of time is spent on the preparing of educators to the health and safety. Teachers are given all the needed motivations to start learning how to give the first aid. Also, they are having only the top class practices that stay in the mentors’ heads no matter what. However, such a preparation is going to cost quite a lot of money. However, it is way cheaper than to deal with the consequences of a situation where a teacher has no idea on how to help their students.
To sum the situation up it is important to mention that both of the sides of the situation are somehow right, yet they both need to unite in order to succeed at the most. Also, they will have to start creating at least some kind of motivation for teachers, as without the needed motivation nobody is going to do something about changing the situation. However, with the current situation there is a hope that it is all going to be way better in just a little time, as people are getting more and more aware of the problems that are existing in the current society.