Building a Team for Business Success
Building a Team for Business Success
Team building is an art and a science, and it takes great leaders to build lasting team members. Team building requires a deep understanding of people, their strengths and weaknesses, and what gets them motivated to work with others. It takes leaders who can make difficult decisions, and establish standards of performance that are being met at all times, to build a great team. Building a team requires the management of egos and constant desire for commendation.
Research shows that it takes a unique kind of leader with special skills and abilities to build great teams for business success. In the sports world, late John Wooden set the criterion for great coaches; he led UCLA to 10 NCAA national basketball championships in a 12-year period, for seven times in a row. He created his own “Pyramid for Success” to assist others succeed through his proven wisdom.
Also, in the business world, there was Jack Welsh, the then chairman and CEO of General Electric between 1981 and 2001. During his tenure, the company’s value increased to 4000%. His personal net worth was calculated at $720 million in 2006, and in 2009, he inaugurated the Jack Welsh Management Institute at Strayer University.
a leader to build a team that will last in business. It requires the capacity to master the art of people, and knowing how to handle a number of people at the same time, and at the right place. It requires knowing what each individual is capable of doing, how he thinks, and how you can utilize their abilities at all times. It is knowing that every wrong move you make in the business can cost the company millions of money.
Leaders are as successful as their team members, and great leaders know that having the right team members is essential for the success of any business. The impact of a successful team on a business cannot be over emphasized, below are ways to can build a team for business success:
- Be conscious of how you work
As the leader of the team, you should be conscious of the styles and techniques you use. Your leadership styles must be effective, and should be accepted by the team you intend to build. You must be sincere with yourself to carefully evaluate the methods you use for leading. Be ready to improve on your leadership skills, so they can be of benefit to you, the people you’re leading, and the business as a whole.
Even though you’re in charge, they way you lead has effect on how the team members will follow you. It doesn’t matter if your intentions are good or not, once they’re not acceptable by the members, it amounts to nothing. Be open to change as a leader.
- Define Roles and Responsibilities
Clearly define roles and responsibilities of each member of the team. This is different from general job descriptions; roles should be clearly stated out. Each person’s responsibility should be connected with the other, so you can have coorperation amidst the team members. Some people know how to work best within a defined system even if they’re not the best for the work. This is why you must be watchful as a leader; you should know where each person’s talent focus on, and their ability to work in a particular role.
A team is what it is – a team, not disjointed. A team should be united well enough to combine each team member’s strengths and unique differences. Each person should be aware of their roles and responsibilities per time, a they can effectively work together for the course of the business.
Building a Team for Business Success
- Know the team members
The same way you hold yourself responsible to be conscious of how you work, you should also get to know your team members, so you can maximize their full potentials. Knowing your team members on a personal level helps to improve friendship, and better relationship amidst them. Know the real assets each person brings to the business, and how they differ to each other.
Great leaders know how to motivate their team members to work. They know how to activate and maximize talents around them. They also know how to match outstanding areas of expertise and competencies to solve problems in the business. Knowing your team members means you’ve taken time to study and understand them, how they think, and what is required to motivate them to work. You shouldn’t treat your team members as one body altogether, but as pieces of puzzles that can be brought together to achieve a greater success.
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Reward and recognition
People love recognition and appreciation, especially when they have done well in the business. Cultivate the habit as a leader to truly appreciate people who put in their best into the business. Do not take for granted the efforts of people. Even if you pay them for it, learn to compensate with extra rewards. This serves as a motivation for them to put in more efforts. When people know that their efforts are appreciated, they tend to do more.
When people want to believe as if they’re making a distinction in the business, be thoughtful enough to let them know that you’re paying attention to their efforts. Be genuine in your appreciation and respect for them, as this goes a long way in achieving business success. It also helps to build loyalty and trust in the business.
- Celebrate success
When issues arise in a business that can cause discouragement, take a minute to celebrate past successes. Business is a risk and some of them will lead to failures in the business, this may bring some kind of uncertainty to you and the team members. But, you as the team leader should be able to bring them back to pace.
Reflect on the successes you’ve had, and the lessons you’ve learnt from them. Take time to truly celebrate the success of your business by acknowledging the inputs of your team members. Acknowledge their efforts, sacrifices, and perseverance. Do not ignore celebration in your business; celebration is a short-lived activity. Take time to live in the moment and enjoy it.
Building a Team for Business Success
- Accept and give feedback
Feedback is a way if knowing how you’re fairing and where you need to improve on. Few ack should be consistent and assertive. Do not wait for problems to arise before giving feedback to your team members. This helps them to know that they’re improving, and how to work better in the business. Feedback should be part of your everyday communication with your team members.
Feedbacks do not have to be too stiff and structured; it should be a natural occurrence in your business. Always take time to tell your team members how they can be better, let your feedbacks be constructive, not destructive. Allow for feedback from them too, it is supposed to be a two-way thing. Be open to them, and make it easy for them to give their honest feedback.
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