How to Apply for the Second Level Assessment of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2023
The 2023 application of the TEF has taking a new turn and this Second Level Assessment of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2023 is a serious stage that needs you to attend to 89 questions.
Do you know a lot of people have been dropped at this stage?
However, if you receive this message of congratulations below, then I celebrate with you.
Dear xxx,
Congratulations! You are eligible to move to the Second-level Application phase of our Entrepreneurship Programme.
To move to the next phase, you are required to provide us with accurate information about your business profile, idea, and experience.
The application form is linked below and has been sectioned into two parts. Please read the instructions HERE carefully, before filling out the form.
Please keep in mind that the form is highly confidential and must NOT be forwarded or shared, as we are able to track the link activity and you will be disqualified.
Kindly note that the submission of your application does not translate into your automatic eligibility, in any phase of our programme.
This article is to guide you to fill this Second Level Assessment of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2023 very well and excel in it.
Personal information stage
Fill this as appropriate
* 1. First Name
* 2. Last Name
* 3. Email Address (same as used to apply to the programme)
* 4. Phone Number (include country code without the + sign, e.g [2348096784556)
* 5. Business Country (Where the business is located)
* 6. What is the name of the city/village in which you live or the closest village if you live in the countryside.
* 7. How would you describe the neighborhood in which you live?
Urban: I am in the middle of a city
Mainly urban: I am nearby a city
Mainly rural: I am quite far from the nearest city (e.g., 30 minutes by car)
Rural: there are no cities nearby.
* 8. Do you have any form disability listed below? Select none if you do not have any disability
Vision impairment
Physical disability
Hearing impairment
Mental health condition
Intellectual disability
Other (please specify)
* 9. Have you accessed other grants from other Foundations?
* 10. Picture (Upload a headshot of yourself)
Business Stage
Business Stage Descriptor
How to Apply for the Second Level Assessment of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2023
- What is your current business stage? Use the descriptor above to select the appropriate business stage
Business Idea
Company Structure
* 12. Is your company registered?
If you have not registered your business, we can help you to do that. Call or WhatsApp me on 08060779290
* 13. Do you have any business partners?
* 14. What is your primary Role in the business?
Single Owner/Founder
Question Title
* 15. Please input your alternative contact incase we are unable to reach you
First Name
Last Name
Phone number
Ensure you put someone that is business oriented and can talk about you and can reach you easily incase of emergency.
* 16. Relationship of the alternative contact to you
Other (please specify)
* 17. Your Business Name (if available)
* 18. Business Address
* 19. Local Govt Area of your business
- Does your business regularly maintain a digital presence (website, Facebook page, LinkedIn, etc.) that is separate from your personal accounts you listed above? (If yes, please copy link of each)
* 21. Did you obtain any total external capital from investors (i.e., excluding yourself and your family) to start this business? (in USD)
* 22. If yes, how much total external capital from investors (i.e., excluding yourself and your family) did you obtain to start this business? (in USD) – Please select each source and state the amount of capital raised.
Total Loan Amount:
Total Grant Amount:
Total Equity Amount:
* 23. How much capital did you and your family invest to start this business (in addition to any external capital you obtained)? (in USD)
* 24. In a typical week how many hours do you work on your business?
* 25. Do you currently have other sources of income (excluding transfers from government, gifts from friends and family)?
- If yes, in a typical month how much do you earn from these other sources of income? (In USD)
* 27. What is your current household size?
* 28. In a typical month, what is the total monthly income of all household members from all sources (including government transfers or gifts from friends and family) (In USD)
* 29. In your area, how many businesses would you say are currently operating in your industry sub-sector?
* 30. In your area, how many employees does a typical firm business in your industry sub-sector your sector have?
* 31. In your area, what is the amount of money that an entrepreneur running a typical business in your industry sub-sector makes in a typical month after (after paying all the business costs including payments to others) (In USD)
* 32. In your area, what is the average monthly compensation for an a full-time hired employee in your industry sub-sector? (In USD)
* 33. In your area, for every 10 young males (age 18-25), how many do you think do not have a stable full-time paid jobemployment? (Please answer a number out of 10).
* 34. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being “strongly agree,” please indicate your level of agreement with the statement:
“Working as an employee is a more attractive option for me than starting my own business.”
Strongly Disagree
* 35. The following statements describe different thoughts you might have had on your mind while you answered the previous question. Did you have any of these thoughts on your mind? Please select all that you had on your mind (select no more than three):
Entrepreneurship is an excellent way to be your own boss and control your own destiny.
Starting a business is risky, and failure rates are high.
Entrepreneurship allows for unlimited income potential and financial freedom.
The stress of owning and operating a business is overwhelming.
Starting a business requires a lot of hard work and long hours.
Entrepreneurship can provide a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment than working for someone else.
Working as an employee is less risky and provides stable income.
* 36. Referring to the previous question about your level of agreement with the statement “Working as an employee is a more attractive option for me than starting my own business,” can you please explain with a few words the reasons behind your chosen rating?
As an entrepreneur, I desire to create and impact lives. Starting my own business provides autonomy, room for growth, and calculated risks, unlike being an employee.
* 37. How much money do you expect to make as an entrepreneur in a typical month, 12 months from now: (In USD)
* 38. How much money do you expect to make as an entrepreneur in a
* 39. If you would work as an employee. How much money would you get in a typical month, 12 months from now: (In USD)
* 40. If you would work as an employee. How much money would you get in a typical month, in five years from now: (In USD)
* 41. Describe what impact your business will have or is having within your community, country for job creation, revenue generation, or social development (200 words).
* 42. Explain briefly what you hope to achieve from participating in the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme (200 words) max.
Question Title
* 43. Please rate your business skills based on the following.
Strategic thinking and planning
Financial management and budgeting
Marketing and sales
Networking and relationship building
Leadership and team management
Time management and prioritization
Problem-solving and decision-making
Communication and negotiation
Risk management and analysis
Adaptability and flexibility
Innovation and creativity
Project Management and Organization
Market Research and Analysis
Customer Service and Satisfaction
* 44. Which of the following skills do you think you need to improve on
Strategic thinking and planning
Financial management and budgeting
Marketing and sales
Networking and relationship building
Leadership and team management
Time management and prioritization
Problem-solving and decision-making
Communication and negotiation
Risk management and analysis
Adaptability and flexibility
Innovation and creativity
Project Management and Organization
Market Research and Analysis
Customer Service and Satisfaction
* 45. What previous accomplishments can you point to that demonstrate your ability to mobilize people and resources effectively?
* 46. What specific leadership skills do you possess that will help you build and manage a successful business?
* 47. If you already have a mentor, and would like to engage them on our programme, please provide their details below for consideration in the programme.
Full Name
Phone Number – country code
Existing Businesses
This is to be filled for existing businesses
- How many contractual, part time and full-time employees do you have
* 49. How many permanent employees do you have in a typical month not including yourself? (Permanent employees show up to the premise of the business most of the days, and work there most of the time)
* 50. Consider the typical permanent employee/worker in the business (excluding yourself). What is the typical total monthly earnings for such employee from the business? (in USD)
* 51. How many temporary or part time employees do you have in a typical month not including yourself? (Temporary or part-time employees show up only a few days a week, or work for only a few hours a day)
* 52. Consider now the typical temporary/part-time employee/worker. What is the typical total monthly earnings for such employee from the business? (in USD)
* 53. Does your business currently make any revenue?
* 54. If YES, what were the monthly total revenues of your business in the typical month in 2022 (or this year, if your business just opened)? (in USD)
* 55. What were the total costs of your business in the typical month in 2022 (or this year, if your business just opened)? Please include inventories, materials, equipment, wages to others but not yourself (in USD)
* 56. Who are your most important clients? [Rank any relevant ones in order of importance, where you first select the most important one]
Friends/relatives that know me from before
Local customers or intermediaries that live near the premise of my business and see it walking by
Local customers or intermediaries that know of the business through word of mouth/reputation
Local customers or intermediaries that that find the business through online or newspaper ads
National customers or intermediaries
International customers or intermediaries
* 57. In a typical month, how much money do you personally make from your business (after paying all the business costs including payments to others)? (In USD)
* 58. Do you have any experience in this industry or business?
* 59. What is the specific problem or need that your business is currently solving/addressing? 50 words max
* 60. What is your current business model and how does it generate revenue? 50 words max
* 61. What is your current estimated monthly revenue? (Please Provide Estimates in USD)
* 62. What are your plans for growth and expansion, and how will you achieve them? 50 words max
* 63. How are you marketing your products or services in your target market- 50 words
* 64. Who are your main competitors (list top 3)?
* 65. How would your business idea differentiate itself from them?
* 66. What is your current milestone for business- 50 words max.
* 67. What is your next milestone for this business and how long will it take you to reach it- 50 words max.
* 68. What are your projected revenue streams and how will you generate them? 50 words max.
* 69. What are your financial projections for the next few years,
* 70. How have you arrived at these projections?
* 71. what is the total estimated amount of cash invested to date for this business? (In USD)
* 72. What are the top 3 Challenges you face in operating your business and how have you adapted to mitigating them? (50 words) max.
Business Idea
To be filled for businesses at Idea Level
* 74. If yes, how many years experience?
1-2 years
2-5 years
5-10 years
above 10 years
* 75. What is the specific problem or need that your business idea aims to solve? 50 words max
* 76. What is your current business model and how does it intend to generate revenue? 50 words max
* 77. What is your current projected monthly revenue? (Please Provide Estimates in USD)
* 78. Do you have plans to expand your business in the future? And how do you plan to achieve that? 50 words max
* 79. Explain how you intend to market your products or services in your target market- 50 words
* 80. Who are your main competitors (list top 3)?
* 81. How would your business idea differentiate itself from them?
* 82. What is your next milestone for this business and how long will it take you to reach it- 50 words max.
* 83. What are your projected revenue streams and how will you generate them? 50 words max.
* 84. What are your financial projections for the next few years,
* 85. How have you arrived at these projections?
* 86. what is the total estimated amount of cash invested to date for this business idea? (In USD)
* 87. How do you measure the success of your business financially, and what metrics do you use?
Question Title
* 89. What inspired you to pursue this business idea, and how have you demonstrated your commitment to it?
We would be available to help you review your Second Level Assessment of the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2023 before you submit it. You can reach out to me for this service on +2348060779290