Imagine getting paid for listening! Wait, what?!
Well, even though listening, active listening is one of the most important skills of coaching, a coach does more than listening. But what if I told you that you probably already have all it takes to be a professional business coach and you may have been leaving a lot of money on the table. Have you ever helped a businessperson brainstorm on an idea? Have you ever helped an entrepreneur explore different options? Have you ever had to listen to a business owner talk about their challenges and you’re silently wondering about the fact that you know the answer to their problems?!
If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are probably a business coach in the making and you may be able to build a thriving professional business coaching practice if only you know how. Not to worry, I will provide some insights into how you can be trained as a business coach in Nigeria (or from wherever you currently are). In fact, I will provide some information about the different cost-effective options available to anyone who desire to become a business coach. In such a time as this, the world needs more professionally trained coaches who can help others elevate their impact, income and influence.
Who is a Business Coach?
So, who is a business coach? A professional business coach is someone trained to help business owners, and in effect, help businesses to operate more effectively, thereby increasing productivity and profitability. S/he is equipped with essential thoughtware -theories and tips, sophisticated toolkits and world-class techniques to help business owners and SMEs arrive at short- and long-term profitability and sustainability. Leveraging universal and proprietary coaching frameworks coupled with a deep appreciation of business, finance, talent and management dynamics amongst other critical intelligence, s/he works with entrepreneurs and leaders of businesses to challenge status quo, shift paradigms, envision new possibilities, set inspiring goals, overcome barriers to change, optimize potentials, develop action-plans and make great things happen in their personal and corporate ecosystems.
Mind you, a business coach is not just one who have gone through an MBA or have been an entrepreneur for years but one who is actually trained to provide strategic support to clients who are business owners. So, it’s not really about having an ivy-league education or having a successful venture but about being taught and coached in the details and inner workings of the coaching profession. Coaching, like every profession, can be learnt. Once you understand the basics, you can then determine your specialization based on your strengths. There are different coaching niches including Life Coaching, Business Coaching (sometimes referred to as Executive Coaching because executives run businesses on behalf of owners), Personal Finance Coaching,
Sports Coaching and many other interesting niches like Confidence Coaching, Public Speaking Coaching etc.
Benefits of Being a Business Coach
Being a coach, a business coach, can be a very rewarding career path. Like every business, to succeed you will need more than your professional skillset, you will also need to have commercial acumen and be able to manage relationships with your clients. However, Business coaches are well respected and highly rewarded for helping businesses and business owners succeed. A 2016 survey by the International Coach Federation (ICF), reported an average annual income of US$51,000 with some specialist coaches reporting earning $100,000 or more.
Did you know that the estimated market size of the Coaching Industry is $15 billion in 2019 with a total of $7.5 billion worth market value in the US alone? Accelerated by COVID-19 impact on the global business landscape, the market value of the coaching industry is expected to reach $20 billion by 2022 with a 6.7% average yearly growth rate from 2019 to 2022. The question is, what percentage of this money will be yours as a result of coaching fees paid to you by your clients?
Now that I have shown you the money, let me show you how to get trained and when you register for the Business Coaching Masterclass, I will show you how to get the money and build a profitable coaching business.
Options for Getting Trained as a Business Coach:
- Search Google for Information on Business Coaching and How To Become A Business Coach. Chances are that you search will return millions of options and the challenge then becomes what information to trust as there are a lot of writers who are not business coaches themselves writing about business coaching!
- Find a Coach-Mentor. This is when you look for someone who is already a coach and ask s/he to mentor you. Mentoring is very good but you need to build on something. To have an effective relationship with your coach-mentor, it is better if you already have the right foundation and you understand the fundamentals of the profession. That way, you will be able to ask intelligent questions that enable your coach-mentor add the much-needed value to your fledging practice.
- Attend Coach-Training programs by Institute/Firms. There are a lot of coach-training programs available offline and online. In fact, some coaching associations in a bid to ensure most people who parade themselves as coaches have accredited some firms to run their coaching curricular and train people to become coaches. For example, the International Coach Federation have a lot of firms in the USA and across the world who are accredited coach-training institutions.
- Join a Coaching Association. Many coaching associations also run their own proprietary courses to certify people as coaches. The question is: who certifies the certifiers? However, some of them run good programs that can help you with the fundamentals. There are some who provide tiered training programs so you can advance from basic to intermediate and so on.
- Get Books. With some few thousands of Naira, you can buy books on Business Coaching via Amazon or via your local bookstore. The issue is, if you are not familiar with the world of business and coaching generally, your first-time reading can be akin to learning a new language as an adult. The trick is not to use the books as academic textbooks but more like reference materials that you can always consult even when you are faced with real life scenarios in your practice.
- Watch YouTube Videos. This option cannot be overemphasized. With more than 5 billion videos viewed daily on YouTube, you have a goldmine that many people leave untapped.
- Attend Online Courses. The internet is littered with all kinds of coach-training programs these days. From as little as $19 to $50,000 per course, you can chance upon real value in some of these programs. You will eventually kiss the prince if you don’t mind kissing many frogs.
Are these all the options? Of course not. There is one more and it’s a hybrid option -physical and virtual (depending on what you prefer or where you are based). This is a business coach training program I can vouch for because I designed it and based on my more-than-a-decade experience as a business coach, I now know what works and what doesn’t and I have helped busy professionals like you or even someone who had never heard about business coaching get started on the right footing. From discovery to mastery, the Bravehearts’ Business Coaching Masterclass will expose participants to:
▪ How to balance coaching as a calling and coaching as a business
▪ Coaching theories, methodologies and technologies
▪ The major difference between coaching, mentoring and training
▪ How to identify your ideal coaching clients: individuals & organizations
▪ From stranger to sessions, from conceptual agreement to contract
▪ How to Accelerate gaining and developing trust
▪ Creating long-term satisfied clients
▪ Developing Your Niche Coaching Business Plan
▪ Branding Yourself and Marketing Your Niche Coaching Business
▪ Creating and Profiting from Your Unique Intellectual Property
At the beginning of the program, you will be able to evaluate your business coaching potential and develop an action-plan on how to become a prosperous business
coach. Don’t take my word for it, just head on to and register.
The Abuja Chambers of Commerce and Industry thinks you need this training so much so that it is subsidizing it through my firm’s partnership with its Business, Entrepreneurship, Skills and Trade (BEST) Centre.
So instead of paying $1000 or more, you only get to become a trained business coach for less than $100! Why would you let such an offer to get equipped to start your own business coaching business pass?
Register today at
You can also call +234(0)7066433477 for further information.
My name is Banks. Fife Banks. I invest in, and help Bravehearts like you to pop, prosper and develop prosperity in their ecosystems. As a NCFE (UK) certified Coach and Harvard University Certified Consultant, I help businesses and business owners optimize Talents, Types [Brands] and Transactions. To hire me as a coach, consultant or corporate trainer/keynote speaker, please send me an email: