How to become a social media influencer in Nigeria An influencer is a user on social media who has established credibility in a specific industry. Social media influencers have access to a large audience and can persuade others by virtue of their authenticity and reach. Since the rise of social media, influencers have become a major trend. These are ‘ordinary’ people who have earned a substantial following due to their expertise and transparency. They are being used more and more by companies to grab the attention of millennials as this group is less receptive to traditional marketing techniques. Brands purposely seek out influencers who create content that subtly pushes a product or service. The partnership between the brand and influencer is mutually beneficial. The company successfully reaches their target audience while the influencer is paid and continues to grow their following.
How to become a social media influencer in Nigeria
Now, for you to be a social media influencer, you need to work for it.
By following the steps below, you’ll be on your way to growing your following, attracting the attention of brands and successfully becoming a social media influencer in Nigeria.
Get social
If you really go all-in to become a social media influencer, you will need to find the networks that fit within your industry and target audience. It may be best to start with one or two major channels (like YouTube and
Instagram ) in the beginning. The idea is to stay consistent, so it’s important to not take on more than you can bear. Still, it’s recommended to sign up to all networks in order to secure your user handle. For each network that you sign up for, write up a solid biography with relevant links to your other social channels or website so your audience can easily find you. It should feel like you are EVERYWHERE. Keep the same tone and description across all the platforms that you open. Also, when signing up to social networks be sure to go for the “business” account if available. These types of accounts provide much better metrics to track your posts and allow you to create paid promotions when you’re ready.
Consistently produce content
Social media moves fast and if you think you can go a week or two without posting and expect the same following when you return, you might want to reassess your goals. Your content should also remain fresh and relevant. This means identifying trends you see on social media with others in your industry and responding accordingly with content of your own. It will likely take some time, but you’ll need to find a balance of trending content and content that is uniquely yours to share on your channel. Keeping up with trends is one thing, but your biggest challenge may actually be to know the trends before they are labeled as “trends”.
How to become a social media influencer in Nigeria
Build your community
An important part of building a following is engaging with them. There are a couple of ways to do this, for example: responding every time someone comments on one of your posts is simple but shows your audience that you’re a “real person.” You’ll also want to invite your audience to engage with you and let them know that you would like to hear from them by telling them to leave a comment or ask a question.
Going back to the “live” way of doing things, it provides an opportunity for your audience to reach out to you in the most direct way possible. Host a Q&A or even ask your audience for advice on something to let them know they are being heard. If you’re producing video content, end a video by posing a question and start your next video with some of the answers you received. A community heard is a community that feels loved.
Find your niche.
Something you’re really interested in and you’re able to tell people something new, fresh and/ore extraordinary. Be an expert here.
Mind your hashtags
Hashtags (represented by the symbol #) allow you to further your reach to people also following that hashtag – they’re essentially a universal language that allow you to pop up in places you might not, normally. Researching trending and relevant hashtags is important, which will require you to do some digging within posts that cover your chosen subject. Hashtags on both Twitter and Instagram are very much worth your time to get right, but surprisingly, they don’t matter on Facebook and YouTube for the success of your posts. Also, note that depending on the network you’re posting to, the number of hashtags is also important.
How to become a social media influencer in Nigeria
Have your blog
Just because you’re aiming to be an influencer in social media doesn’t mean your presence should stop there. Having a website or blog (or a website with a blog) gives you yet another place for people to find you. Having a blog dedicated to the happenings in your industry will only further solidify your place as an influencer. Plus, you can easily share your blog posts to your social channels. Creating a website is easier than ever thanks to all the available ready-made templates
If you have unique content shared across multiple social channels, your website can be a great place to showcase it all together.
Contact other people and brands in your industry.
Talk, exchange likes, comments, maybe ideas? Be noted.
Promote yourself
I’m not talking about bragging or boring people to death with self-praise. The good content always defends itself; you just need to guide the audience to it. Share your content everywhere where it might seem interesting and relevant.
Provide value
Provide value. Always. Part of this is inherent in the need for quality original content. The other necessary component? Authenticity. Followers will respond to your genuineness, and a believable, real personality will always rise above contrivance.
Make sure your work shows progression and growth, but that you are still staying true to your audience. If you veer off topic and away from what drew your followers to you in the first place, you may see a decrease in engagement.
If you need more information or would like to book a consulting session with us, you can call us on 08105636015 or 08076359735. Alternatively, you can send a mail to