How To Write A Blog Post That Drives Traffic In Nigeria
Wondering the kind of blog post that can best engage your audience and you don’t know how to start? Great. I can show you simple ‘tools’ that can both free your flow of creativity and also allow you to deliver valuable and engaging content that will invariably keep your readers coming back for more.
Professional bloggers are constantly looking for ways to drive more traffic to their sites, and usually a proven way to achieve this is to write and deliver quality blog posts.
How To Write A Blog Post That Drives Traffic In Nigeria
Just follow the following tips for each of your posts and watch your audience build up real fast!
- Write topics that people are already searching for
Using the Google Keyword Planner, you can easily determine frequently searched topics on the internet. Google created this tool to help their advertisers know more about their prospects.
You can easily use this tool to find out what your audience is already looking for and deliver based on your findings. In choosing your blog topics; look for topics that are more relevant to your audience and already has a significant number of searches; develop and deliver quality information but not as enough as that of Semrush this is a premium tool that gives full details of a particular keyword and also let’s you get keywords from your competitors (Blog you are targeting).
- The blog title
Once you’ve been able to determine the direction of blog post to tread, the next most important thing to do is paying attention to your blog title. Take out time to research and write blog topics that not only appeal to your target audience but are also optimized for search engines. Ensure that your blog title is compelling and catchy and reads well to a human being as well as a search engine. Google Ads Tool, keyword Tool, and Word tracker, are all very useful tools to help you get started. Whatever your blog title is; make sure it is comes out in a way that compels the reader to click on your post. Titles like “how to” and lists( top 5, 8 tips to, etc) are all familiar and proven ways to head your posts for maximum traffic and sales. For example, the title of this post; how to write a blog post that drive traffic in Nigeria; is pretty compelling and engaging at the same time. Try yours…
- Your post should educate
The more educative your blog post, the better your chances of retaining readers. When search engines rank your website, they are on the look out for things like how many people visit your site and how long they stay on your site, so you want to make sure that you deliver rich and educative contents to serve your readers the kind of information they seek. If you write a blog post that educates the reader, then the reader is going to stay longer on your site. Quite simple.
- Your writing should be conversational
Try as much as possible to make sure your blog posts aren’t stiff or ‘remote’. Write in a way that engages the reader, such that they feel connected to you. When your content is relatable, readers tend to comment and engage more in the conversation than otherwise. Your blog posts should have a casual, informal style such that your readers feel like they’re having a real-time conversation with you, rather than reading a speech of sorts. When more people comment on your posts, it means they’re engaged in your post and are more likely to share on social media which in turn helps drive more traffic and ultimately leads to conversions.
When writing, use simple English and avoid complicated terms and all. Ask questions. Use “you” and “I” to engage the reader.
- Use images
Next to a great writing style is using images that can appeal to readers. Always include featured images that can easily attract attention in your posts. The determining factor for your featured images is that it is appealing to your prospects. When picking images, ask yourself; does it appeal to me? Would it grab my readers’ attention? Make them want to stop and look?
There. Your answers should pretty much help you determine the best images to pick for your posts.
Read Also: 5-ways-to-get-massive-traffic-to-your-blog-in-nigeria
- Insert Inbound links
When preparing your posts, ensure to add links to other sites on your posts that can further expand the topic you are working on. Through the use of links, readers get to stay longer on your site giving you even higher rankings with search engines. When visitors stay longer on your site, Google ranks you highly and begins to recommend your site and post to even more web visitors.
Once you’ve written your posts, think about other posts to include on your site which can be helpful for your readers and include internal links to them. Internal linking is one of the most important things you can do to rank in search engines, so keep that in mind.
- Use keywords in your posts
How To Write A Blog Post That Drives Traffic In Nigeria
Another important tip to take note of is the use of keywords in writing your posts. You have to make sure that you’re using your keywords appropriately for an effective blog post. Use keywords in your title, for headings and subheadings, in the caption and alt image tag of images( where appropriate), and throughout your content. You can use an SEO plugin like the Yoast SEO to ensure you’re using your keywords in important areas in your post.
- Write more “How To” posts
Ever wondered about why people use the internet? Of course , it’s mostly to get information. Someone could want to find out about the latest sport cars, where to find cheap restaurants, learn how to do or accomplish a task, and if you’re reading this post; it’s because you want more traffic for your blog and would like to know how to engage blog posts as a tool to achieve this. Your prospects and customers are quite the same, they have a problem. And you can help them solve those by creating a quality and detailed post that walks them through an effective solution. How best to do this than preparing an effective “how to” content?
An “how to” post will help establish your credibility and expertise in your chosen niche. And often, you will find that what your readers need from you is answers or at least; some kind of direction in the right path. When you consistently update “how to” posts, eventually your reader base will grow and in turn you will get more traffic for your site.
- Write controversial posts
How To Write A Blog Post That Drives Traffic In Nigeria
If you crave even more traffic, write about trending and controversial issues in your field. By taking a controversial stance on a subject that your audience is passionate about, you will generate a lot of traffic to site. All you need do is hit on a trending topic in and around the cyber world and watch the wonders it can do, though of course you need to be prepared for a lot of heated and angry comments from your readers. So, if you want more interaction and greater traffic; this one’s for you!
- Do interviews
Another great tip for a compelling blog post is doing interviews. You can reach out to other experts in your industry, other bloggers, satisfied customers, industry leaders or just a random person to get better perspective on an information you want to share with your audience. When preparing the post, you can presee it in a text form, audio or video; depending on which suits the information or idea you’re trying to sell. Be very creative with your post and develop your content based on a problem you’re trying to solve for your audience.
- Create a blog series
Blog series can be a fun and exciting way to drive more traffic through your blog posts in Nigeria.
The idea behind making a series is; splitting a great idea or concept in segments, this way it can help build anticipation for the next post; inadvertently increasing traffic, as more and more readers keep coming back to your website for more. Nobody likes to discontinue following a series they’ve been on to. So you see, creating a blog series is sure to get you a continuous flow of web visitors and possible conversions.
For a example, you can create a series on ” how to create a blog series ” for say about 20 days on your blog, with each day, you teach about a single idea until it continues to build up to day 20. This can improve your search engine optimization if you link from one post to the next, in a natural organic way.
Just think of a topic you want to work on; one that is relevant to your audience; develop a creative stream for the idea and build on that for the next twenty days.
Be involved in your writing. Enjoy it! If it feels like drudgery, your readers will surely notice. Let your post come alive with every word. Have fun producing a great content that will have a tremendous impact on your audience.
Over to you