Leke Alder consults for corporations and governments on strategy, branding and policy formulation.
Leke Alder is a highly regarded international speaker.

Company Name– Alder Consulting
Position– CEO
Interests– Writing, Painting, Design, Photography, Branding and Consulting
School– Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife , Osun State, Nigeria
Course of study– Law
Dayo Adetiloye’s Note– While in the University as an undergraduate, Leke Alders passion for art grew. His love for writing, painting, design and photography led to his hosting an art exhibition as a law student. His exhibition was successful with more than 2000 people in attendance that the Guardian newspapers reported it.
Leke Alder also ran a chamber and argued cases for students, for a fee.Upon graduation, he practiced for two years in a law firm. Having discovered himself, his abilities and talents, he wanted to do more.
So he resigned. At the age of 26, newly married with no money in his pocket, he started cartooning and designing. Then one day, an idea came to him. He took down all the frames, the wedding gifts that was given to them, removed all the pictures inside and
replaced them with his cartoons made on a cardboard paper he bought for N17. 50k.
That evening he took them to church and kept them at the back of the church. At the end of the service, worshippers rushed his product and he made between N147 to
N250. That singular act was all the motivation he needed to launch out. Before long people were buying his paintings for N40,000 and more.
One thing led to another and people started paying Leke Alder millions just to give advice. For instance a three page advice made it possible for a company struggling, to make over N100 million within six months. In return, the company gave him a N1 million retainership. Each work done attracted a different client. Each satisfied client referred another. And so from one room apartment and with N70 as start-up capital, he began to advice individuals, corporations, embassies and governments. That was how Leke
Leke Alder and his team at Alder Consulting introduced modern branding in Nigeria. Other companies in the group are Alder Media, Alder Research and Alder IT.