If you are considering starting up a business of your own as a woman, this article can help put you up with really awesome business ideas for the woman entrepreneur. Generally, expertise, understanding the domain, risk taking ability and flexibility are one of the major reasons that drive women to go into business
Here are 15 chosen low cost business ideas that are just perfect for women.
Freelance writing is probably how most people got start in the online income earning world. Freelance is the best way to make money fast. You can easily start by reaching to someone who is already in the business and from there, learn how to make good money from freelance writing and blogging services
However as with every other money making opportunity; you’ve got to discover your own style or your own mileage as they always from person to person. The business is pretty easy to start; all that is required is a computer or tablet, internet access and good power supply.
If you are woman out there and you’ve got pretty good crafty skills; you’re in luck. So many online e-commerce sites are available which can provide you the perfect selling platforms for your crafts. An example is etsy. Etsy is simply a selling platform like Amazon or eBay, that features only handmade products. The items sold on Etsy are very broad and can range from digital downloads, handmade home decor, and even clothes. So you’re the crafty woman entrepreneur; etsy is just the place to be. So get started
Website management business is a very diverse business and is actually a business you can easily be involved in. When it comes to website management you can do everything from sell ads, edit and schedule content, hire writers, do social media promotion campaigns and so on. Since it is such a diverse area; you may need to run through a training period with someone who is already making money in the business or better yet; get affiliated with an organization that provides website management training and will also put you through an internship program where you’ll get to learn all the rudiments
FMCG( fast moving consumer goods) distribution is among one of the best business ideas for women. New FMCG manufacturing companies keep immerging everyday, and as a woman you can connect with any of them and register as a distributor. FMCG( like soap, tissue, noodles, matches, toothpaste, detergent) etc sell very fast, and so it’s easy to make money from this business, you also stand to get steady income. Starting up may actually be quite stressful, but think of the profits you stand to make with persistence.
If you love cooking and know you’re a great cook, then catering is the business for you; because of the simple fact that food business is good business. The plus side of the catering business is that you can start with any amount of money; small, medium or big scale. Plus you can choose to start either outdoor catering services or even both. It’s pretty easy to start and holds huge potential, so if you feel you can take on this super role; then get started
Fashion design doesn’t have to be very tasking to start up. You may opt to go for the necessary training so as to be able to take sewing jobs yourself; this is stressful and time consuming ( and yet rewarding!) And so to cut down on the training time, if you’re in a hurry to start earning; then it’s really simple: You can outsource your jobs to skilled clothes makers. They get to make the clothes using whichever design you choose. They will even let you choose your own label and attach the label to your clothes; your part will simply revolve around marketing those clothes — and it’s very lucrative!
Blogging is fun, is trending and really profitable. You may need to go through a learning curve before you start, but once your blog, with sufficient traffic there are so many cool ways to make money. You can start up your blog in any niche your interested in, just find your style and determine what you’re really passionate about.
Other women like Linda Ikeji, Bellanaija, Hadassah are making good money from just blogging, the same with other women you may not know about( they are not celebrity/ gossip bloggers) but are making their money regardless.
Dayo Adetiloye can help you start a money making blog in Nigeria.
If you love hanging with kids and do a great job at being a caregiver ( particularly to babies) then daycare services is for you, why not try it out? If you are going to be taking care of your own kids anyway and you’ve got space and sufficient start up cash, you might as well start up your own full time daycare center and start generating income from helping other women mind their kids while they’re away.
Rental business involves leasing out plastic chairs and tables for people organising ceremonies for an agreed fee. The rental business helps you generate a lot of passive income. There will always be a need for rental services; as long as people continue to do ceremonies like birthday parties, wedding parties, child dedication and many others, the demand curve will continue to grow. This business is perfect for stay – at – home mums and even young single women.
If you know you’re really great at organising things then you can easily turn this into a money making venture and make a good fortune from event planning. The advantage you have with this business is that you don’t need an office or anything like that as an event planner until you feel you’re up to it. All that is required is a skill to organise and plan large parties, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and other big occasions. The demand for event planners is surging and majorly due to the fact that most people just can’t be bothered and in most cases; can’t plan events effectively. With this business you’re sure to keep smiling to the bank every now and then.
Affiliate marketing
An affiliate marketer is an online sales person who promotes other people’s products and services in exchange for a commission
Affiliate marketing is another very easy business and start and has potential to give one huge passive income. If for example you sign up as an affiliate marketer for Jumia, Jumia will give you a unique affiliate link such that anytime someone buys a product from Jumia through your link, Jumia pays you a commission. So jump on the band and start making money. Most internet marketers all over the world make money by promoting other people’s products and services.
Kids store
Opening a kids variety store is another great business idea. If you live in an area with a huge population of kiss, why not consider opening a kids variety store. An entrepreneur having knowledge about the retail industry can establish a kids variety store business with focusing target niche.
Resume writing
If you have previous experience in handling recruitment and human resource management, you can best channel this skill into a money making venture by going into resume writing for Clients. Your job description should revolve around proofreading, editing and structuring. To start this business you will just need to have a laptop with some basic software, build a good online presence to advertise your work and you’re good to go.
SEO Consulting
SEO consultants are the industry internet marketing experts. When internet visitors search for specifics in search engines, the websites that appear and come on the first few pages are the sites which usually attract maximum traffic. As an SEO consultant your work revolves around getting a website to rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. SEO Consulting is one of the most profitable business ideas for women entrepreneurs and the demand curve for search engine optimization services is increasing at a relatively fast rate due to the opening of new websites everyday in and outside Nigeria.
Wedding planning
Wedding planning business comes naturally to someone who is organised and focuses on details. In the past decade, the need for professional wedding planners has grown exponentially. Today people are either too busy juggling the demands of their professional and personal lives or not at all skilled at organising their everyday lives; to oversee the details necessary to create the wedding of their dreams. And this has actually created an enormous opportunity for startup entrepreneurs who are considering going into the wedding planning business.
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