“I Want To Show 10 Dead Serious Multilevel Marketers How To Get At List 50 New Recruits In The Next 30 Days Without Talking To Anybody”
“I Want To Show 10 Dead Serious Multilevel Marketers How To Get At List 50 New Recruits In The Next 30 Days Without Talking To Anybody”
Are You That Multilevel Marketer That Still Struggles Monthly Trying To Get More Downlines So You Can Move Up The Ladder And Make More Money?
Do You Find It Very Hard Persuading Stubborn Nigerians That MLM Is Not A Scam, So They Can Join Your Team?
Do You Want A Proven Strategy Of Getting At List 50 New Recruits Every Month Without Talking To Anyone?
If Your Answer To This Important Question Is An OUTSTANDING YES, Read To The End As I Reveal The Powerful Secrets Of Persuading Nigerians To Join Your MLM Team On Autopilot….No Questions, No Argument.
Multi Level Marketing doesn’t have to be as hard as the way you are currently experiencing it or the way it is painted to be. It can be faster, it can be easier, it can be smarter. One of the greatest , “head ache causing problems” in the MLM business is getting new recruits which have the potential of shooting you up the ladder and skyrocketing your earnings.
One of the main reasons why Nigerians can be very defensive and hard to convince when it comes to joining the lucrative business of Multi Level Marketing is that, Nigerians have one paradigm…
“Multi Level Marketing Is A Big Ol’ Scam”
“A system that lures you in to its circle using unbelievable benefits such as all expense paid trips, luxury cars and all, takes advantage of your hard work, and at the end no benefits, only small small change to survive”.
Your Job As A Multi Level Marketer Is To Cause A Paradigm Shift, Changing This Mentality But It Can Be Critically HARD.
This impression has made Nigerians so defensive to the point that they blatantly ignore you, telling themselves that MLM is nothing but a scam. No matter how much you talk, or argue, they only hear you but would never listen to you.
Some don’t just understand MLM so they live by the gruesome stories others have told them about MLM.
They come up with excuses like…’I Can’t Talk To Anyone” Nobody Will Listen To Me”..’Am Too Shy”…..all this excuses are just to put you away or discourage you from convincing them further.
Some ‘Naïve” and desperate marketers even make it worse by posting job offers in factories using posters and handbills. When innocent job seekers finally come for this invitation, they are surprised and disgusted that is was an MLM company in disguise as a “Milk Production Factory” trying to fool them into joining the scheme”
This immediately tarnishes the image of that MLM company and their credibility drops to ground zero. You cannot start or build a business based on fooling people. People do business based on trust and you have just successfully broken that trust and that business can never stand.
You are not alone in this hustle I Mr. Adetiloye Dayo with over 6 years experience in the business of Network Marketing had same issue when I joined. I failed at 4 MLM companies but out of persistence, dedication and a whole lot of trial and error I was able to succeed in 2 MLM companies.
In the beginnings when I was trying to persuade Nigerians to join my team, they took me for granted, stepped on me like a piece of rag, I trekked the streets of Lagos like a Fulani Herdsman trying to convince people to join my team.
In fact all my tactics and methods I tried to use to persuade people into the business proved abortive. ….I talked till my mouth was aching me.
It was as if I was pouring water into a basket, I was frustrated talking to one friend to the other, one colleague to the other, one market woman to the other.
I crammed sales pitches, argued, explained, expatiated…yet my talk fell on deaf ears.
Most of them blatantly told me to get out of their sight, some where polite enough to hear me out, promising to join but at the end……It Was All Crickets, No Sign Ups, No Downline, Only Few Dormant Marketters Who Were Not Working Hard…….Only excuses and procrastination.
With this my earnings were ‘Dead Low”…I had nothing to show for all my years as a multi level marketer.
I was frustrated, dejected, downcast you name it……But I Never Gave Up.
All my efforts were not getting results but I never gave up, I kept pushing until I was introduced to this paid seminar that changed the way I saw Multi Level Marketing….
You don’t have to kill or wear yourself out trying to convince people to join your team, tell me how many people will you convince? Especially in Nigeria were people are very defensive. You might be frustrated and tired of trying to convince people to join your team, but I have a very good news for you…
There is a better way, a far easier and smarter way of getting up to 50, hard working downlines in the next 30 days or less if you will implement what I am about to show you.
I have packaged my result generating strategy gotten from my 6 years of trial and error, shedding blood, sweat, energy and finances for you to make your journey easier.
Using this strategy I will reveal, you will save donkey years of endless turmoil, enabling you to concentrate your energy on a strategy that is guaranteed to work 100%
The Title Of This Ebook Is…
“How To Recruit And Get To The Top Fast In Any Network Marketing Business”
“This Book Contains Proven Formulas That Puts Recruiting New Down lines On Autopilot In Your Multi Level Marketing Business.”
Click on this link Now, and Let Me Show You How This E-book Will Help Your Multi Level Marketing Business.
“I Want To Show 10 Dead Serious Multilevel Marketers How To Get At List 50 New Recruits In The Next 30 Days Without Talking To Anybody”
“I Want To Show 10 Dead Serious Multilevel Marketers How To Get At List 50 New Recruits In The Next 30 Days Without Talking To Anybody”