YOUWIN Stage 2 Questions and Answers

Type of business
Description of business
- Describe your business. Include a detailed description of your products and/or services.
- I am involved in the manufacturing of building concrete, bricks and blocks for masonry, builders association, housing consultant, development agencies, construction workers etc.
- We make block of uniform quality and sell them at a price high enough to cover costs and make a reasonable profit.
- Cement concrete blocks are modern construction materials and as such are use in all the construction viz: residential, commercial, and industrial building construction
Words used: 0/200
- What needs or problems have you identified that your products/clients services will solve? How are you solving these needs or problems?
- – Solid concrete block making solve the problem of building houses that is shelter in the society. This need is one of the major needs of human being. Irrespective of the level of income, people strive to have houses of their own. So blocks and bricks are always in high demand.
- – We provide blocks to build houses for human beings

- Words used: 0/150
- Why did you choose this line of business?
- I have a great passion for this line of business as my father is a veteran in the industry and I have been involved since child hood.
- I have seen a great need for quality block production in the industry and I decided to be producing it.
- I also believe it will help to reduce unemployment as the industry employs so many people.
- Words used: 0/80
- What are your business objectives? What do you hope to achieve with your business in 5 years?
- – To become the leading provider of concrete block and services in Ibadan.
- – This means always having the best and most efficient facilities, process and people.
- – To be the No1 solid block producing company in Ibadan, Oyo state
- – To have expanded to 3 other locations and have employed 250 people
- Words used: 0/100
Provide an explanation for your answer above.
Most people in the industry produce an average of 50 9” blocks from one bag of cement which makes block not to be strong enough for building construction and which consequently leads to building collapse
My innovation is to produce 36 solid brocks from a cement which makes it last long.
Words used: 0/250
Market analysis and marketing plan
Who are the customers that will buy your products and/or services?
My customers are building contractors,general contractors, concrete subcontractors, builders association, housing consultant, development agencies, construction workers, civil engineers, architect, land lords and individuals.
Words used: 0/200
Briefly describe the different types or segments of customers that you will have.
– Individuals building houses
– Government contractors
– Building contractors
– Civil engineers
Words used: 0/200
What makes each type of customer important to your business (for example, is it a large segment, or one that is growing rapidly or another reason?)
– Individuals building houses- this segment is the largest as people desire to own their own house.
– Government contractors- this segment is growing rapidly as government award construction contracts concurrently with each administration
– Building contractors- they growing segment
– Civil engineers- growing segment
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